Advaita or Nondualism

I have had a lot of ESP experiences, even though I don't pursue ESP. This blog was a good way for me to write of these experiences. Recently, however, I have become fascinated by Advaita or Nondualism and have been writing about this subject.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

A visitor at night

You came to me in the Mist
In the Twilight
Between Awake and Asleep
I saw you first as a small ball of light
As you got closer
The ball of light got bigger and bigger
You were responding to my cry that night
Confused, my Soul cried out,
“How will I ever find God?”
As you approached me
Somehow I knew who you were
A saint I had been reading about
Appearing to me as a ball of light
Somehow you communicated who you were
Then you spoke to my confusion
You will not find God through books
You told me
Then you said,

"We should speak in the language of Heaven
In the language of Spirit
For there is a language of the Spirit and Heart.
It is as different from our language as our own language is different
From that of the animals
Who express themselves only by cries and sounds.

"It is the language of the Spirit which speaks to God.
When, in prayer we are freed from all outward things
And turn to God
Then it is as if in our Hearts
We hear the voice of God.
Without words we speak
We communicate
We converse with God and hear the answer."

After you spoke these words
Your light began to move away
Until I watched it disappear entirely
Then I decided to go to sleep
I awoke with a sense of Joy
A couple of weeks later
I was reading a book
Which had a quote from you
It was the same words
That you spoke that night


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