Advaita or Nondualism

I have had a lot of ESP experiences, even though I don't pursue ESP. This blog was a good way for me to write of these experiences. Recently, however, I have become fascinated by Advaita or Nondualism and have been writing about this subject.

Monday, June 06, 2005

The White Screen

We were going in different directions
You were going to be a priest
I had left the Catholic Church
Yet we became good friends
We both were excited
And afraid at the same time
We both did not know
What the future would bring
Both our faiths were being tested
Without telling you
I started meditating on a white blank screen
Then one night I decided
To believe in a personal God again
I cried out, “God show me a sign.”
At that exact moment the telephone rang
It was my friend
The first thing he said,
“I felt I needed to call you right now.”
He went on to explain
“I was walking up the walk to my house
When I saw a white screen in front of my eyes
At the moment somehow I knew
I was supposed to call you.”