Advaita or Nondualism

I have had a lot of ESP experiences, even though I don't pursue ESP. This blog was a good way for me to write of these experiences. Recently, however, I have become fascinated by Advaita or Nondualism and have been writing about this subject.

Thursday, December 30, 2004


Many of my experiences that I list in my other postings happened over 35 years ago. While mostly ESP-type experiences, they had personal meaning for me at the time. They opened my eyes to new possibilities. I had several more ESP experiences, but I have only listed the major ones. Over the years, I have moved away from ESP toward a more spiritual bend. I am attracted to mysticism and the direct experience of God. I am particularly curious about the losing of the self and the cosmic experience of oneness.

I believe that Tony Parsons in is book, As It Is, explains it as well as anyone can explain it. While walking in a park in a suburb of London, Tony noticed his mind was totally occupied with expectations of future events. In order to free his mind, Tony concentrated on each footstep of his walking.

The following passages are from As It Is:
“I noticed that each footstep was totally unique in feel and pressure, and that it was there one moment and gone the next, never to be repeated in the same way ever again.

“As all of this was happening, there was a transition from me watching me walking to simply the presence of walking. What happened then is simply beyond description. I can only inadequately say in words that total stillness and presence seemed to descend over everything. All and everything became timeless and I no longer existed. I vanished and there was no longer an experiencer.

“Oneness with all and everything was what happened. I can’t say I was ‘at one’ because “I” had disappeared. I can only say that oneness with all and everything is what happened, and an overwhelming love filled everything. Together with this there came a total comprehension of the whole. All of this happened in a timeless flash that seemed eternal.”

“You have written about ‘the open secret.’ Where does the expression come from?”

“When I walked across the park, one of the most amazing and liberating things that was seen was that everything was the ground of unconditional love. There is nothing that is not sacred, and, regardless of any particular state I might be in, I saw that grace was a continuously available. Look, here is the secret (picks up a sweater and throws it on the floor). In the dream, we see a separate object. When there is no illusory, separate self, the ground of unconditional love is seen. This is what is always open to us. There is nothing that exists outside of the ground of this natural unity. The ‘secret’ is that there is no separation, but it remains a secret as long as we believe we are someone.”


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